Software Event Brokers

Software event broker clocks can be synchronized with one of the three methods shown in the following list.

: With the PubSub+ AWS AMI, clock synchronization is preconfigured to use AWS time servers. Use chronyd to change the clock server.

Synchronize Time With Ntp Server Ip

  1. In your hypervisor or cloud environment:
    Use DHCP to configure NTP. This requires no host configuration.
  2. For software event broker machine images:
    Set up NTP through the event broker host.
    To do so, perform the following steps:
    1. Log into your event broker's host as the root user.
    2. Edit the /etc/ntp.conf file and enter the following configuration.
      tinker panic 0
      disable monitor
      restrict default ignore
      restrict ::1
      server <server-ip>
      restrict <server-ip>
    3. Enable ntpd.
    4. systemctl enable ntpd
    5. Then reboot the event broker.
    6. reboot
    7. In the event broker host shell, enter the following command to check whether the NTPD status is working:
      systemctl status ntpd
      In the displayed output, to confirm ntpd is active, check for a line that looks like this:
      'Active: active (running)' portion.
    8. Once NTPD is confirmed active, wait several minutes and enter the following command to verify that the event broker is now in sync.
      In the displayed output, to confirm that the event broker is in sync, check the output for a line that looks like this:
      synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3
  3. Use Cloud-Init:
    Set up NTP with the same configuration information provided in steps 2.2 and 2.3 above.
    - path: /etc/ntp.conf
    permissions: 0600
    owner: root:root
    content: |
    tinker panic 0
    disable monitor
    restrict default ignore
    restrict ::1
    server <server-ip>
    restrict <server-ip>
    - systemctl enable ntpd
    - systemctl start ntpd